Tämän kortin lähetin Taiwaniin. Jennifer ei halunnut käsintehtyjä kortteja, mutta lähetin sellaisen silti. Halusin tietää miksei hän pidä niistä tai eikö hän pidä minun kortistani ollenkaan. Jos hän ei olisi pitänyt siitä, olisin voinut lähettää toisen kortin hänelle. Mutta minä yllätyin vastauksesta, joka oli: "Kiitos sinun kivasta käsintehdystä kortista, se oli kaunein kortti jonka olen koskaan saanut... Kiitos niin paljon... Ajattelen, että voisin matkustaa Suomeen joku kerta... Ehkä sinä voisit olla minun opas... Minä toivon sinulle hyvää viikkoa... Terveisiä Taiwanista!!"
Translation: This card went to Taiwan. Jennifer did not want to have handmade cards, but I still sent that kind of like. I wanted to know, why doesn't she like them or doesn't like my card at all. If she had liked it I could have sent an other one to her. But I supriced about the answer, which was: "Thanks for your nice handmade postcard, it was the beautifulest postcard i ever received... Thanks so much... I think one time i will travel to Finland... Maybe you will be my guide... I wish you a nice week... Greetings from Taiwan!!"
Translation: This card went to Taiwan. Jennifer did not want to have handmade cards, but I still sent that kind of like. I wanted to know, why doesn't she like them or doesn't like my card at all. If she had liked it I could have sent an other one to her. But I supriced about the answer, which was: "Thanks for your nice handmade postcard, it was the beautifulest postcard i ever received... Thanks so much... I think one time i will travel to Finland... Maybe you will be my guide... I wish you a nice week... Greetings from Taiwan!!"
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