Chanelle Amerikasta halusi swapata kanssani uudelleen. Hän pyysi minua lähettämään kortin hänen miehelleen. Hän pyysi lähettämään kortin, jossa on paljon puukkoja. Samanlaisen kuin olen aiemmin lähettänytkin. Olin iloinen, kun sain kuulla, että hänen miehensä piti siitä todella. Kerroin hänen miehelleen isoveljestäni, joka on armeijassa tällä hetkellä. Se oli sattumaa, sillä Chanelle kertoi myöhemmin, että hänen miehensäkkin on armeijassa. Hän on jalkaväessä ja kuulemma hyppää ulos lentokoneista.
Translation: Chanelle from America wanted to swap with me again. She asked me to send her a card to her husband. She asked to send a card with a lot of knives. Similar as I've previously sent. I was glad when I heard the news that her husband really liked it. I told to her husband that my older brother is currently in the army. It was a coincidence, as Chanelle told later that his husband is in the army, too. He is in the infantry and he also jump out of an airplane, she told.
Translation: Chanelle from America wanted to swap with me again. She asked me to send her a card to her husband. She asked to send a card with a lot of knives. Similar as I've previously sent. I was glad when I heard the news that her husband really liked it. I told to her husband that my older brother is currently in the army. It was a coincidence, as Chanelle told later that his husband is in the army, too. He is in the infantry and he also jump out of an airplane, she told.
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